Welcome to dentoblag
This blog blag will (hopefully) contain:
- Pseudorandom observations about the world, especially technology and maybe even politics
- Programming thingies, including operating system development and maybe even some fun stuff in the spirit of the Technical interview series
- Some (meta-)*philosopical thoughts, or at least attempts to textualize them, if we don't find a way to encode them directly by the time I try that
- Technical details on how this blag and my other systems are set up, partially as a documentation for myself
- Bullet list like this about things other than this
- Stuff about game mechanics and such
- Countless xkcd references (??)
- Unexpected amounts of both optimism and pessimism
- Drawings, if I ever manage to draw something
- And maybe even some posts in Finnish, if I ever get a topic that might be interesting to that audence
- ... and anything else I find interesting
Because just writing a blog would be way too easy, and not distracting enough, I will be writing the blog website while writing the blog. Currently, it's just a 300-line Python script called blogen.py
, a couple of Jinja templates, minimal(istic) css, and some toml configuration files. They generate a static website that is hosted by an actual web server.